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Read the Fine Print


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So, it's the Water Cooler. A place to talk about anything- even share jokes. So, something really tickled my funny bone tonight. Humor can be a tricky thing, so while my comment may involve some rather serious subjects, please take it lightly. This is truly meant for laughs, even though, some of us may find it touches on serious issues. Cheers. :)

I get "HEALTH QUEST", a publication of Skagit Regional Health. I figure it's something they send to anyone who rented a room at one of their hospitals for a week or more.;) The magazine shares news of Doctors they staff, news about community events regarding health awareness and fundraisers, and a schedule of their own hosted classes on health related topics. So, this month's issue has a class called "Live Life Dry." I thought it was to address alcoholism, and the challenges/benefits of living dry and sober. But I was wrong. It's addressing a different kind of dry. Dry pants. It definitely pays to read the fine print. Imagine my surprise, had I not read the fine print, and should I have been interested in attending a meeting regarding a sober life, and the class started out with: "Do you or a loved one experience embarrassing or troublesome... (are you with me so far?)... symptoms like leaking or dribbling urine, or not being able to "hold it"? (Ummm....OK, like I get the not being able to "hold it" part...but can we go back to what "dribbling urine" has got to do with this??? OH!!!)

So, it's an extremely "wet" world out there my friends. And it's not just because of the rain. Rain, alcohol, or other, if your world is wet...there's hope. There is a rainbow out there for everything and everyone. Just make sure you read the fine print. :D



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